Diary of a week in León

Dear Diary,
We are a group of five students composed of a man called Héctor and four women named May, Nerea, Jenny and Alba.
We will go with you all for a walk in León

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

The weekend brings forward

After a hard week, the weekend  begins . In León,  the weekend begins the Thursday for all students of university. I’m sure that the Thursday is the favourite day of all university students because for many of them is the last day when they have class, but others aren’t so lucky.

 Some Thursdays all the university go to the party called ‘’la espicha’’. This is the most famous party in the university and nobody wants to lose it.  Every faculty prepares its own ‘’espicha’’(espicha of medicine, espicha of filology, espicha of education…etc) Each faculty has one date to prepare its party.  For this, they put up ‘’la carpa’’, it’s a big place where the people can dance and drink without being cold, but many people prefer to stay outside.

This party begins around six o’clock in the evening, when all the students have finished their classes. Many of them, don’t go to home after classes, they go directly to ‘’la espicha’’ witch all the necessary:  the alcohol, something for dinner, a good winter coat and obviously have really want to enjoy and meet people.

After that, all people go to ‘’el  húmedo’’ where there are many pubs and the students go to dance till the body drops; maybe until 6 or 7 a.m or even later.

If you’re a funny students and you have really want to enjoy, I invite you to come to ‘’espichas’’; all students that have gone, they always want repeat.  I’ m sure that you won’t regret.

2 comentarios:

  1. Well that sure sounds like fun! Do the teachers help plan and partake in the party?! That sounds so different from anything I have heard of. I do not think professors would party with us here in the USA.

    In this sentence,
    “where the people can dance and drink without they were very cold, but many people prefer to stay outside”

    "Without they were cold" should be "without being cold." saying were puts the sentence into the past tense and it gets a little confusing.

  2. Hi Annie! Thanks for reading our blog.
    Oh no,teachers don't help with anything, it's a thing that students do for other students.
    But espichas are so funny, you'll enjoy it.
